
Monday 10 August 2020

Year 7 Program review

Walt: Write a Review about Year 7/8 camp

Task Description: As the title says this blog post is a review of the Year &
Program. As always if you haven't already go on though the slides
above. Thanks for even reading this, Have a good day. :)

Year 7 Step Up Recount

Walt: Write about what happened at Year 8 camp or Year 7 Step Up Program

Task Description: As it the title says this blog post is about Year 7 Up
Program Recount. As always if you haven't already go on though the slides
above. Thanks for even reading this, Have a good day. :)

Adding and Subtracting Decimals

WALT: Add and Subtract Decimals

Task Description: Above is a pack of slides that is my maths work for the
week. It is as said by the title it is adding and subtracting decimals. As
always go on though the pack of slides if you haven't already.

Hades Study

Walt: Finish the slides and learn about the myth

Task Description: This post is about Hades. It is a Hades study. I have learnt many facts from this Hades study. Most of them that I learnt above. I found this easy but hard at times because finding these facts and trying to find interesting ones were kinda hard but not really. Here is a link to the slides for this Hades Study.  Here's a link to the Greek Mythology slides. 

Team Sharing

Walt: Write about what you hear during Team Sharing

Task Description: Today we shared what we learned and our highlights. As 
always if you haven't already done so already so on though the slides above
if you haven't already. :3

Tuesday 4 August 2020

Blue Mountain/Blue Mountain Coffee

Walt: Finish the slides and learn about the myth

Task Description: As the title says this is a presentation about the Jamaica
 As always you may scroll though the slides above if you haven't already.

Monday 3 August 2020

Million Dollar Bank Note Part 2 ( Final Part )

WALT: Respond Critically To Literature

Task Description: As you can tell by the title of this post. The slides above
are about a million dollar bank note. Again as always if you wish to find out
more about this topic then go on and scroll or tap on though the slides above
if you haven't already. Next or Below this is a link to the part 1 of these slides