
Wednesday 31 July 2019

What is the perimeter?

WALT: Find the area and perimeter of shapes

Task description: This week we worked on perimeter and area above is the work for this week it was a example of what we are going to be doing later on in the year.

Click me

What is science?

Walt: Synthesis information from a range of texts

Task description: Today we learnt to synthesis information from a range of texts

Tuesday 30 July 2019

The importance of science

Walt: Write for an academic audience

Task description: Today we had to write for an academic audience

Thursday 25 July 2019


Walt: Learning to work out measurements

Task description: Today we started working on some measurements for maths it was really hard at first but the more I worked on it it got a lot easier

Monday 22 July 2019

What I know about scientist and science

Walt: To draw upon my prior knowledge

Task description: Today we drew and wrote what we knew about science and or scientist above is what I drew and wrote it's too light to see but you can make out a bit of it.

Friday 5 July 2019


Walt: Just to show what we know about Africa

Task description: Today we had to do research about Africa. We could o this in groups so I did with Me ( Amira ), Tuluinga or Inga, John K and Tisa
Here is the link to my create task part 2 } Click me
Sadly the boys didn't finish

What country would you like to go to?

Walt: Where would you like to go?

Task description: Today we made a poster with my friend Inga about where we would like to go I in Africa I would of liked to go to Egypt but Inga wanted to go to South Africa so we wrote why we wanted to go and what we were going to see if we went to the country we had picked. This is the create task part 2 for our inquiry task for this week. Here's a link to my inquiry task. Click me

Thursday 4 July 2019


WALT: Solve problems with fractions, decimals and percentages

Task description: Today I finished the fractions work it has a lot of faction word problems they were very hard at first but then I got the hang of it. So if you want to try something but you think that it will be hard it will but once you get the hang of it you'll have great fun.

Is the American dream real

Walt: use correct paragraph structure

Task description: Today we had to write about the American dream and if it is real and if it isn't.

Monday 1 July 2019


Walt: identify the author's viewpoint

Task description: Today we read a text about america it was and awesome text if you would like to read it here is a link : Click me